Field Notes. W6/CT-203 2432

I had some work out in Elsinore and this summit just so happened to be on my way. I carved out an hour to get it in the log and was able to make it happen in short order. The drive up isn’t bad at all. I parked just past the double-tracks and was greeted by a friendly local who warned me about Rattlesnakes in the area. The hike up didn’t take too long at all. I found a few electrical boxes that were left open near the summit. I’m not sure what they were but they did have some short antennas attached to them. There were two benchmarks that I noted at the top, that’s the first time I’ve seen something like that. Maybe someone who is more versed in geology can enlighten me as to the need for two.

I setup for HF with the MTR-3B and started calling CQ, conditions were very rough with a near blackout happening on the bands just as I hit this summit. Most of my contacts were with operators on other summits. With a handful of contacts in the log, I headed back down to the car, avoiding any rattlers along the way.

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KN6RDC on W6/CT-203 (2432), 01 Jun 2024

18:52W6Q40mCWS2S W6/CT-214
18:53WO6JO40mCWS2S W6/CT-173
18:55K6STR40mCWS2S W6/CT-214
19:01W7DLZ20mCWS2S W6/NS-220
19:06K9PM20mCWS2S W7A/AE-009
19:12N7DA2mFMS2S W6/CC-014