

SOTA Atlas An invaluable resource that I use regularly for finding peaks and planning trips.

SOTAwatch This is the official alert and spot page for SOTA. Spots also link to the main page for summits.

RBN The Reverse Beacon Network allows CW operators to turn SOTA alerts into spots by picking up your call within a specified window of time.

VOACAP A propagation prediction tool that can be helpful when trying to determine what bands to operate during a specific timeframe.

MUF Map This site shows the Maximum Usable Frequency using colors and contour lines.

Hourly Area Predictions The HAP chart gives a current map of propagation for specific areas.

Amateur Radio Band Plan A very detailed resource for operation on the HF bands.


Morse Code World While I don’t use this as a tool anymore, I think it’s invaluable to the new CW operator and it’s the first thing I recommend to anyone interested in learning.

CWops I had a great experience with CWops, not just for learning CW, but for learning more about ham radio in general.

SOTA Chaser Callsign Trainer A great tool to use when starting to activate using CW.

RufzXP I hate this, but it’s here for a reason. If you want to get your copy speed up, RufzXP will get you there.

Morse Runner Very realistic contest simulator.

CWT Trainer Convenient, easy-to-use CWT simulator.

Trip Planning

CalTopo Backcountry mapping site that I use for most of my trip and route planning. I’ve also found it very useful for navigation with and without cell service. My maps of W6 + W7.

SentinelHub A great resource for planning trips when trail conditions are unknown.

Mountain Forecast Weather stations on mountains.

HeyWhatsThat Useful tool to get a visual of terrain and surrounding peaks.

Bob Burd’s Trip Reports I have yet to do a summit this guy doesn’t have a trip report on.


Owen Duffy A rabbit hole of antennas. I hope to someday be able to understand it, but in the meantime, I look at the pretty charts and graphics and do what I can.